
Is your break-up, making you eat-up?

Have your eating or drinking habits changed through difficult life-changing times?

The Group Hug has an ethos of providing support, compassion and loving kindness to many people who are traumatised by break-up, separation and divorce. Even though we know the statistics for divorce are high and rising, we never ever expect it to happen to us. Everyone goes into marriage full of excitement, hoping their dreams will come true. We believe that we will live out long happy lives together, caring and trusting each other as we grow and change.

Divorce and dissolution – what are you going to do next?

Break-ups and our thoughts….

Sadly, break-ups happen. It can be brutal. Many people hold onto a lot of anger and frustration too. Then, if they are lucky, this can move onto finally accepting it has happened – we hope. Don’t forget the depression though. There are stages – in fact, divorce is one of the most stressful experiences anyone can have. I believe it is very close to bereavement as it is a type of loss. We hope and expect so much from our partner. There is often blame on both sides. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. No one lives inside their beloved’s head or can guess what the other person is thinking.

Do we even know we are overweight?

How can such a personal experience (our closest relationship) be related to health and being in the best physical and psychological state, especially with regards to weight?

I believe it has to do with personal identity. If we feel really good about ourselves, we are much more likely to be self-confident. Look at all the Instagram stars and wannabe influencers (many of whom have their pictures airbrushed). They pose in gorgeous locations showing themselves off. Maybe they deserve to pose because denying themselves the easy option of eating junk food and drinking alcohol at whim takes some self-control and inner resource. It takes time, effort, consistency and money to look that good.

Some people who go through divorce stop eating altogether because they are so traumatised that they physically can’t eat. This is not healthy. It often goes hand in hand with drinking too much alcohol and using it as a way to numb the pain to take away the intrusive thoughts and feelings.

Your thoughts create your reality”

James Allen 1902

They are our feelings, and no one can stop them. Or can they?

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become”. 

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

Well, actually YES! A thought that pops into your head can be challenged. Just because you think it – doesn’t mean it is true.

A thought can bring about a feeling.

Can you change your thoughts and the way you think?

So, change the thought and you can change the feeling.

This is such a simple concept it sounds too good to be true. But if you have never thought about it before it is enlightening.

Is your partners drink problem destroying family life?

This is exactly the same when it comes to your health, how you feel and your life balance. Do you ever think just because you have always been overweight, that is your destiny?

Think about your favourite takeaway. Did you know that Pizza is the most popular choice on Instagram?

pizza delivery. Olivia of eat to be slim talks about healthy eating

But did you also know that you can have your cake/pizza and eat it too?

Olivia Eat to be Slim Cake
This is my own image of a sugar free delicious, healthy cake made with flaxseed,
coconut oil, eggs, and coconut cream.

A little bit about me….

At eat to be slim I offer delicious healthy alternatives and proactive psychological strategies to help you take back control and give you peace of mind. My recipes are child/family friendly, and you definitely won’t have to starve. If time is short there are strategies to save time and spend less time in the kitchen overall.

Uh oh… I am over 40!

I used to be the most disorganised cook, worst housewife and untidy ‘homemaker’ ever and I still work on it all the time. However, the strategies I have learned and implemented (a struggle at times) have made all the difference to me and my home. I have helped my clients and readers with these things because if I can do it, anyone can do it. I can’t say I get it right 100% of the time. But I’m probably about 90% there.

To book a free appointment, let’s talk  – you can find me in The Hug Directory HERE

Do it now. Alternatively, set one of those annoying reminders! Or copy this to your notes section on your phone.

It’s two weeks until Christmas and who knows what 2021 brings. All good and positive things, I hope and believe. Your break-up doesn’t have to define who you really are.

I wish all my friends, readers, clients past and present the best health and happiness possible.  It is in your hands – and your mind.

Olivia xxx

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