Sarah Whitehead – Pet Mediation | Behavioural Specialist | BA (Hons), MSc
Sarah Whitehead – Pet Mediation | Behavioural Specialist | BA (Hons), MSc

Has a relationship breakdown led to your pet changing his or her behaviour? Do you need help to decide who becomes the main parent of your pet?

Sarah Whitehead is a highly qualified and experienced animal behaviourist, specialising in dogs and cats, and their relationships with their people.

Sarah has an MSc in Animal Behaviour and is a full member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (UK) and is also one of a small number of specialists to have achieved the status of Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB).

Sarah’s specialities are aggression in dogs, weird and wonderful problems in cats, puppy development, adolescent dog issues, and canine and feline body language and facial expression. Her absolute passion is teaching people how to understand the subtleties of canine body language through her on-line ‘Learn To Talk Dog’ Programmes.

Sarah is an internationally renowned speaker and lecturer, best-selling author and a global leading authority on canine behaviour and training. She is also a full member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) and the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT, 0156) and a Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB) and an ABTC Registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist.

She was also the official behaviourist of "The Dog Rescuers" on Channel 5.

Sarah is the author of 26 books, booklets and DVDs. Her latest best-seller, ‘Clever Dog,’ has been translated into several different languages. She is also a Master Practitioner in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) – a branch of human cognitive psychology.

Sarah lives in Berkshire, UK, just a stone’s throw from the royal castle, with two-and-a-half dogs (one is a Chihuahua) and four tortoises!

Berkshire, Surrey, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire & UK wide
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