How to get through hardtimes

How to get through the harder days

Everyone has those days where you wake up and don’t want to get out of bed, a day where it simply requires a motivation that you do not possess. Sometimes there’s a reason for this sadness and other times it’s simply a bad mental health day, we all get them. Being down without a reason can be incredibly difficult as you have nothing to get over or focus on solving, you’re simply just not in a good state of mind.#

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Although I have not created a cure for these harder days, I have definitely found some useful methods of getting through them, so read on to see five things to get through the harder days.

Get outside into nature

There is something about fresh air and seeing the sights the world has to offer that is not only refreshing but reminds you of the beauty of life. Fresh air is good for your body but also good for your mind, and it’s always good to see nature and remind yourself that life is a process and where there’s downs, there’s also ups.

How to deal with the harder days

Immerse yourself in your favourite hobby

Focusing on something that you’re passionate about is a great way to forget the struggles of the harder days. Doing something that you love can massively improve your mood but if it doesn’t, it can at least serve as a distraction from the blues of the day.

Forgiveness – thoughts from a family solicitor

Who can you model that has been through this already? Someone or someone’s, who have a positive and supportive approach? That you can take solace from their experiences being similar to your own, and learn what you can do differently? Values that can be modelled and replicated in your own actions and behaviours? If you surround yourself in negativity and toxicity, you will inadvertently, conscious or otherwise, take on that negativity and toxicity and make it your own… the same is true of positivity and nutric personalities.

Tom Nash – Mr Divorce Coach – featured in The Hug Directory

See your favourite people

Seeing people you love can, like a hobby, be a great mood increaser or a distraction from the struggles of the day. If it doesn’t do that, well then you’ve got another human being there to confide in and help you through the day.

What’s your support network?

Listen to music

Music can really set the tone for anything – there’s a reason at parties you don’t hear slow dreary music. Why not let music set the tone for your day? Whenever I’m struggling to get out of bed, I play something happy and upbeat. There are some songs that are simply impossible not to carelessly dance to.

listen to music to get you through the harder times

Remain kind to yourself, always. Doing your best at a given time, is an excellent way to move forward. My other top tip is to focus on the things you can do today.  This way you will always be working through the things you need to do, at a pace that works for you. A win,win.

Rita Booth – Founder of RPB Coaching, features in The Hug Directory

Spend time with your pet

Sometimes being around another human can be quite overbearing however, and their caring can sometimes be a little too much. That’s where our furry friends come in handy, they care but they’re also naïve to what you’re struggling with which can sometimes be refreshing.

Talking to others about what you are going through always help – get involved in our chat forum HERE

Remember this important thing

On days like this sometimes we don’t always get to do the things on this list because of our responsibilities. On the harder days where I can’t do any of these five things, I simply remember that I have had days like this before and have got through them. Only with days like this can we appreciate the better days. The days where we have something or someone exciting to get us out of bed. They’re only better days because we’ve had these harder days to compare them to. So remember during these days, the better days are always on the horizon.

Written by Group Hug Community Moderator Archie Hartridge

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Written by The Group Hug


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